Category: Continuous Deployment

Can you deploy specifically to Windows XP machines in Octopus Deploy?

I was asked at the CNUG meetup last month on Octopus Deploy on how to target Windows XP machines. At first, I didn’t have a good answer. I thought at the time the best way was to group all the Windows XP machines in an environment. After that presentation, it bugged me a little afterwards that I didn’t mention Roles. First off, I’m not...

Octopus Deploy 2.4.2 pre-release comments

Yesterday, the Octopus Deploy team released version 2.4.2 (pre-release). Loaded with new features, this release is really worth while. Here’s the Octopus Deploy blog post about the new 2.4 changes. From their release notes, new features include: Library tab – finally, variable sets are now accessible to teams whereas previously they were only available to admins on the configuration tab...

Octopus Deploy and RavenDB

Octopus Deploy uses RavenDB (Wikipedia) as it’s database. Many Windows applications typically fall onto the SQL Server platform for a database but Octopus Deploy went in a different direction. Paul Stovell, the author of Octopus Deploy, addresses why he chose RavenDB over SQL Server and other variants on the Octopus Deploy blog post: How Octopus uses RavenDB. Part of my article is rehashing what Paul...

Configuring Octopus Deploy and Tentacles

Installing Octopus Deploy is a fairly trivial task. Updating Octopus Deploy is a slightly different story, but I’ll address that in another article. TL;DR I’m diving into registering tentacles and servers as that’s the most challenging part in an Octopus Deploy installation if you’re unfamiliar with the terrain. I’ll address some possible issues that may crop up and how to avoid them. I’m...